What is Classified advertising?

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The basics of classified advertising

Classified advertisements are messages of a commercial or informational nature, grouped together by common characteristic features and indicated by a special index (heading-heading). In English, such advertising is called "classified advertising" (or simply "classified").In the early 90s, it was sometimes called "rubricated", "classified". The term "rubric" has entered constant linguistic use, therefore, we will use it in the future.

One of the characteristic features of classified advertising is that, unlike conventional advertising, it does not require a neighborhood with news or entertainment that would attract an audience. This type of advertising is interesting to people by itself. Research shows that classified ads for newspapers and magazines rank next to news, sports, and entertainment columns in terms of audience popularity. Readers specifically search for classified ads to meet their specific information needs about the world around them. Small messages about the purchase, sale, exchange of goods, etc. are as necessary for people as national and foreign news.

Thus, an ad placed in the post classified ads, ad section will always have a reader. Moreover, the reader is thinking, and often ready (or preparing) to purchase. And this is exactly the category of people in which all advertisers are most interested. 

The history of classified advertising goes back to the distant past. The first advertisements under the heading "Wanted" were found on papyri of Egyptians and ancient Greeks promising a reward for the return of fugitive slaves. But the main impetus for the development of this type of advertising was, of course, the appearance of the press. Already in the first newspapers, there were classified ads. However, it was not slaves, but lost things, necessary workers, etc. that began to be "searched for". There are also other headings that make it easier for buyers and sellers to navigate the ever-increasing flow of trade information: "Buy", "Sell", "Vehicles", "Real estate", "Jobs", etc.,

Decades and centuries passed. New advertising means, new types of advertising entered the market, however, the "heading" one due to its high demand by consumers and to this day remains all over the world one of the most effective means of selling many categories of goods and services.

It is interesting that for all its external simplicity, classified advertising is a rather complex set of different approaches. When creating it, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of advertising media, and the specifics of heading, content, design, pricing, etc. In case of an error in the formation of even one link, classified advertising turns into an ordinary dump of ads, losing its high efficiency. How to create classified advertising, how not to overlook any of its important components, how to use it in effective advertising campaigns, will consider in detail in the following chapters.


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